HSJ Travel, LLC (Hop Skip Jump)

Terms & Conditions


Please read carefully

When you buy any travel services from HSJ Travel, LLC (also referred to as “Hop Skip Jump”, “the Company,” “We,” or “Us”), you’re agreeing to our terms and conditions (the “General Terms and Conditions”). Please take some time to read through them. To complete a booking, you must show that you accept these terms by confirming your booking, as shown below. It’s a good idea to check our website at www.hopskipjump.travel (the “Website”) for the most recent version of these terms, or you can ask us for the latest version before you book your tour.

Also, if there’s anything in these terms related to using our Website, those parts will apply whenever you use the Website. If you don’t agree with these terms, please don’t use the Website.

We are committed to helping our clients honestly and openly. Please call or write to us if you have questions or need clarification. We’re here to answer your questions and clear up any confusion you might have.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Tour Contract
    1. Travel Confirmation
      1. We’ll send you a travel confirmation email once you confirm a Guided Tour with Hop Skip Jump. This email will have (i) all the details of your travel plans, (ii) any extra terms for your travel if there are any, (iii) our policy statements, including a link to these General Terms and Conditions, and (iv) a bill for your tour.
      2. After you get the travel confirmation email, confirming your booking means you’re okay with the travel details and agree to these General Terms and Conditions. This agreement forms a contract between you and us for your tour (we’ll call this the “Tour Contract”). The terms in your travel confirmation email and these General Terms and Conditions make up the rules of the Tour Contract.
    2. Mode of Confirmation
      1. You will confirm a booking by completing the Guided Tour Confirmation Form sent to you by Hop Skip Jump.
  2. Payment
    1. Tour Price
      1. The invoice in the travel confirmation email breaks down the total cost of your Guided Tour (“Tour Price”). It includes the price of the tour’s products and services, other related expenses, and all applicable taxes.
      2. You can make payments according to the schedule below by transferring funds electronically to our bank account or using a secure payment link with your credit card.
        1. You must pay 1/3 of the tour price to confirm the booking and secure your spot.
        2. You must pay 1/3 of the tour price at least 60 days before the tour starts.
        3. The remaining 1/3 of the tour price must be paid at least 30 days before the tour starts.
        4. If you’re booking within 30-60 days of the departure date, the usual payment schedule doesn’t apply. Instead, you’ll need to pay 2/3 upfront & the remaining 1/3 of the tour price at least 30 days before the tour starts.
        5. If you’re booking within 30 days of the departure date, the usual payment schedule doesn’t apply. Instead, you must pay 100% of the tour price when you confirm the booking.
    2. Delivery of Hop Skip Jump Guided Tour Travel Documents 
      1. One month before your trip starts, Hop Skip Jump will send you a detailed itinerary and any other travel documents for the tour in a digital format.
    3. Revision of Prices; Exchange Rates
      1. We determine the Tour Price based on the exchange rate on the day we make the Tour Contract. After you accept the travel confirmation, the Tour Price won’t change, even if the exchange rates go up or down. So, there won’t be any refunds or price cuts based on exchange rate changes.
  3. Services
    1. Details of Services Provided.
      1. Hop Skip Jump will provide the services listed in the service description in your travel confirmation email.
      2. Please note that Hop Skip Jump does not provide flight booking services. Any flight-related arrangements are the traveler’s responsibility and must be organized separately from the services offered by Hop Skip Jump.
    2. Applicability of Local Laws to the Services Provided.
      1. The tours and services we offer follow the laws and rules of the countries we visit. You and Hop Skip Jump must follow these laws and regulations during the tour.
  4. Change in Tour Contract by The Company
    1. Right to Change in Services.
      1. Hop Skip Jump might need to change the tour services listed in your travel confirmation even after you’ve agreed to the Tour Contract, as explained in this section.
      2. Changes might happen because of (i) cancellations by other service providers, (ii) certain requested features or services not being available, (iii) other service providers being unavailable for reasons like going out of business, insolvency, death, infirmity, or any other reason whatsoever or (iv) major unforeseen events, as detailed in Section 6.
      3. We’ll do our best to inform you about such changes before your tour starts.
      4. When making these changes, Hop Skip Jump will always consider what’s best for You and aim to stick to the original tour plan.
      5. If there’s a significant change in your tour for these reasons, you can choose to go with the updated itinerary per clause 4.2 or cancel the whole tour package. The rules around cancellations, charges, and refunds in these General Terms and Conditions will apply.
    2. New Tour Contract.
      1. If you’re okay with the updated itinerary, as mentioned in clause 4.1.5, Hop Skip Jump will send you a new travel confirmation with the changes. If the updated confirmation means you must pay more, we’ll send you a new invoice with the revised charges.
    3. Acceptance of the New Tour Contract
      1. If you accept the updated travel confirmation and any new charges that come with it, the updated Tour Contract and invoice will replace the old ones and will be the agreement between You and Hop Skip Jump.
      2. If you decide to cancel the original Tour Contract and not accept the updated travel confirmation, we’ll refund the money you’ve already paid us. However, we’ll first deduct any fees for services, advice, consultations, and expenses we’ve had in providing these services. Also, any cancellation fees for things like hotel reservations made through third parties will be deducted from your refund.
  5. Canceling or Changing Your Booking and Charges or Refunds
    1. If You Want to Cancel or Change Your Booking
      1. You can cancel or change your tour anytime before it starts by letting us know in writing, but keep in mind the cancellation rules in clause 5.2 below.
      2. The cancellation or change date is the day we get your written notice.
      3. If you ask for changes and we agree to them—like moving your tour dates around—this counts as a change to your Tour Contract. The cancellation rates in clause 5.2 below will apply, but only for the part of the tour price linked to what must be canceled to make the change. Plus, you’ll need to cover any extra costs tied to the change (like higher rates on new tour dates).
    2. Charges Relating to Cancellation or Change
      1. Subject to clause 5.1.3, all refunds in the event of cancellation or change of a Tour Contract by You, including but not limited to any such cancellation or modification due to a Force Majeure Event (as defined in Section 6), shall be subject to the following charges:
      2. Time of cancellation or change and cancellation or change fees:
        1. 91 or more days before the start date of the tour – 20% of the Tour Price
        2. 61-90 days before the start date of the tour – 1/3 of the Tour Price
        3. 31-60 days before the start date of the tour – 2/3 of the Tour Price
        4. 30 days or less before the start date of the tour – 100% of the Tour Price
        5. Cancellation/shortening/unused portion of the Tour after the start of the Tour (including the date of commencement of the tour) – 100% of the Tour Price
    3. Disbursement of Refund Amount.
      1. Hop Skip Jump will send you any refund you’re due within 30 days after we get your request or instruction to cancel or change the tour.
  6. Cancellation or Change of the Tour Contract due to Circumstances Beyond Control of Company
    1. We won’t be held responsible nor seen as having broken the Tour Contract if we can’t fulfill or carry out parts or all of the Tour Contract due to things beyond our reasonable control (“Force Majeure Event”). This includes things like natural disasters, government actions, war, terrorism, civil unrest, national emergencies, epidemics, strikes, telecom breakdowns, power outages, or issues with our carriers/suppliers like delays, insolvency, or bankruptcy. If something big and unexpected happens that prevents us from providing the tour as planned, it’s not our fault.
    2. Just to be clear, a Force Majeure Event also covers situations like (a) pandemics, epidemics, or widespread diseases that pose actual or likely threats to people, as identified by local, state, or federal government in the United States, the World Health Organization (WHO), or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). This includes diseases like coronavirus, atypical pneumonia, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), or avian influenza; (b) following any travel restrictions, warnings, or advice given by these authorities due to such diseases; (c) any government-enforced quarantines or measures to stop the spread of infectious diseases, or (d) if we can’t get the resources, information, or services we need because of any of these situations. This includes situations where government shutdowns or third-party service providers we rely on are shut down, quarantined, or otherwise unavailable.
    3. If a Force Majeure Event happens, we might cancel the tour and end the Tour Contract. If we have to cancel or terminate the tour because of such an event, we won’t be able to give you any refunds, compensation, or pay for any damages, and you’ll need to cover the costs for any services and products used up to that point. If the tour has already started when this happens, and your Tour Contract includes a return trip, we’ll do what we can to get you back to where you started. However, you’ll need to pay for any extra costs for the return journey.
    4. If a tour gets paused because of a Force Majeure Event, we won’t be able to give you any refunds. This includes situations where services like museum visits, restaurant bookings, sightseeing, shopping, etc., even if they were part of your tour itinerary, become unavailable.
  7. Liability of the Company for third-party acts
    1. We can’t take responsibility or be held liable for any injuries, losses, delays, discomfort, or challenging situations you might face due to the actions or neglect of any third parties, like service providers we hire for the tour.
    2. In addition, Hop Skip Jump also takes no responsibility for, and is not liable for, any act or omission of any of Your co-travelers or any resulting injury, damage, danger to life, limb, or property, delay, or hardships to You.
  8. Our Promise and How We Handle Issues
    1. We promise to provide the services listed in the Tour Contract with skilled, experienced, and qualified personnel, following recognized industry standards for such services, and we’ll dedicate enough resources to fulfill our obligations under the Tour Contract.
    2. If there’s a problem with the services, we won’t know unless you tell us. So, if you notice anything wrong, let us know in writing within two days from when you spot or should have spotted the issue.
    3. Based on clause 8.2, if there’s an issue, we’ll decide to either:
      1. Fix the services (or the faulty part), or
      2. Give you a credit or refund for the part of the Tour Price tied to those services.
    4. The solutions in clause 8.3 are your only options, and they cover all we owe you for any problems with the services under the warranty in clause 8.1.
    5. Besides what we’ve promised in clause 8.1, we don’t provide any other guarantees regarding the services. This includes any warranties about the services being sold, fitting a particular purpose, having rightful ownership, or not violating any third-party intellectual property rights. These are not promised, whether they’re typically implied or not.
  9. Limitation to liability
    1. We can’t be held responsible for any lost usage, revenue, or profit or for any other damages you, other travelers, or any third party might experience. This holds whether the damages are direct or indirect, intended or accidental and whether they come from issues with the contract or other wrongdoings, even if we could have seen the damages coming or if someone told us they might happen.
    2. The most we’d owe you for any issues related to this agreement, whether from contract problems or other wrongdoings, is the total amount you paid or would pay us according to the Tour Contract, as long as the law allows this limit.
  10. Obligation to cooperate
    1. Cooperation with third-party service providers
      1. During your tour, please cooperate with all third-party staff from airlines, hotels, activity instructors, tour guides, local tour managers, and other service providers.
      2. Help these folks minimize or avoid damages if there’s a disruption in services.
      3. If you have any issues with these third-party providers, let us know ASAP, and we’ll look into it & take action as needed.
    2. Transactions entered into by You as an individual
      1. Unless it’s through us, you’re alone for any buying or selling you do during the tour. We’re not responsible for your personal transactions.
      2. We won’t check or control these transactions, nor will we check if they’re legal wherever you are.
    3. Compliance with applicable laws
      1. Follow all laws, rules, and guidelines wherever you visit during the tour.
      2. If you break any laws or rules, you’re on your own. We won’t be responsible for any legal issues you might face.
    4. Accuracy of Information provided by You.
      1. Please provide accurate and complete information to us. Don’t hide or misrepresent any essential facts.
    5. Competence to contract
      1. By booking with us, you confirm that you’re an adult, legally able to agree to this contract, and not disqualified from making agreements for any reason.
      2. You also confirm that the laws of the countries you visit don’t prevent you from using our services.
  11. Passport and Visa
    1. Passport and Visa Requirements
      1. Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your trip’s return date.
      2. Get to know all the visa rules and travel regulations of the country you’re visiting.
      3. It’s your job to get your visa. In some cases, we might help, but only if we agree to.
      4. Visa costs aren’t included in the tour price.
    2. Liability of the Company If We Help with Your Passport or Visa
      1. If we help with your passport or visa, we’re not responsible for any issues, delays, or losses caused by not getting them or if there are mistakes.
      2. We’re not liable for any typos or mistakes in the visa details.
      3. If your visa is rejected or you have problems, and you can’t travel, you can cancel or postpone your tour based on the terms in section 5.
  12. Settling Disagreements
    1. If we disagree about the tour contract that we can’t solve, and it’s over $15,000, we agree to solve it through a private and fair arbitration process, not in court. If the disagreement is $15,000 or less, it should be taken to a small claims court in Travis County, Texas. We can only go to court if either of us needs to stop the other from misusing intellectual property rights.
    2. This agreement follows US federal arbitration laws since it’s a transaction across state lines. The arbitration agreement stays even if this whole agreement ends.
    3. To start arbitration, the party who wants it should send a written notice to the other, explaining the disagreement and what they want to fix it. If you’re sending the notice, mail it to HSJ Travel, LLC, 9105 Chisholm Ln, Austin, TX, 78748, USA. We’ll send any notice to the address you gave us when booking. The sender must make sure the recipient gets the notice. We’ll try to settle the disagreement for the first 45 days after sending the notice. If that doesn’t work, either side can start the arbitration process.
    4. The American Arbitration Association (AAA) will handle the arbitration following their rules, which you can find at www.adr.org or by calling 1-800-778-7879. There will be one arbitrator. If we can’t agree on who that should be, the AAA will choose someone experienced in this kind of disagreement. You need to fill out an arbitration form on the AAA’s website and send a copy to us.
    5. If you claim $100,000 or less, we can resolve the dispute by reviewing documents unless a hearing is requested or recommended. Hearings for claims over $100,000 will be in Austin, TX, USA, or as agreed, following the AAA’s guidelines.
    6. We both agree to keep the arbitration process private, including any decisions or awards, unless needed for court actions related to the arbitration or required by law.
  13. Governing Law; Jurisdiction
    1. Law and Venue Selection
      1. This Tour Contract is under the jurisdiction of Texas state laws, ignoring any jurisdiction conflicts. So, any issues or disputes will be resolved as per Texas laws, no matter where they arise.
      2. For any legal action concerning this Tour Contract, the designated courts are the federal courts of the USA or Texas state courts in Austin. Both parties agree to this jurisdiction exclusivity for resolving disputes.
    2. Waiver and Limitation Period for Claims
      1. Regarding legal proceedings from this Tour Contract or its terms, both parties willingly give up the right to a jury trial.
      2. Disputes should be settled through individual legal actions, not class actions, regardless of what the law may allow. Any legal action against the Company must be by You individually, not as a class action participant, and you willingly waive any rights to be part of a class action.
      3. The Company won’t be held accountable for various damages or claims arising from this Tour Contract or associated activities unless detailed written claims are provided to the Company within 185 days of the incident. To pursue such claims, a lawsuit must be filed within one year of the incident and served to the Company within 120 days of filing. You are giving up any other state or federal limitation periods by this. If you don’t act within these specified periods, you forfeit any claims against the Company under this Tour Contract.
  14. Indemnification.
    1. By agreeing to the Tour Contract, you commit to indemnify and shield the Company, its associated entities, directors, executives, employees, agents, and other officers, including their successors and assigns (collectively referred to as the “Indemnitees”), from any losses, liabilities, claims, damages, costs, or expenses (which includes reasonable legal fees and related disbursements, along with any interest incurred) that are asserted against or incurred by an Indemnitee due to any breach or failure to fulfill any representation, warranty, covenant, agreement, or obligation by you as per the Tour Contract.
    2. This indemnity clause is additional to, and not in place of, any other rights or remedies that may be available under law, statute, or any other provision within the Tour Contract, ensuring further protection for the Indemnitees.
  15. Intellectual Property Rights – Company Website(s)
    1. The Company’s website has a mix of content made by the Company and its partners, along with others who have permission to create content for the site.
    2. All the behind-the-scenes software and things like writings, photos, drawings, and logos on the Company’s website are owned by the Company or its partners and those with permission to use them. These are known as “Intellectual Property Rights”.
    3. The services offered by the Company are meant for your personal use, not for making money or business purposes. You can’t change, copy, share, show, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create new works from, transfer, or sell any of the intellectual property, info, software, products or services you get from the Company or its website, without getting explicit written permission from the Company first.
  16. Insurance
    1. Liability.
      1. Hop Skip Jump isn’t responsible for your insurance coverage unless it’s mentioned explicitly in a particular service or product. It’s solely your choice and responsibility to get enough insurance coverage, whether you buy it through us or someone else.
    2. Third-Party Insurance
      1. If insurance is part of the service from the Company, it’s provided by a third-party insurance company. The terms of the insurance and any claims are between you and the insurance company, not us. So, you’ll need to deal with the insurance company directly for any claims or coverage issues, as per their policy terms. The Company has no control over the insurance provider or its decisions, so we can’t be held responsible for any coverage, claims processing, or denial of claims.
    3. Travel Insurance
      1. Getting travel cancellation insurance and travel insurance before your trip is highly recommended. Depending on the policy, this could save you from paying out of pocket for any fees due to changes or cancellations to the Tour Contract, as mentioned in clause 5.
  17. Information and Privacy
    1. When you book a tour with us, we’ll collect some information from you, like your age, gender, and job. We can share this information with others, like hotels or government agencies, but only as needed for your tour. If you choose to pay by card, we’ll also collect your card or bank account details.
    2. We aim to keep your information private and only share it as needed for your booking, to comply with the law, or for other travel-related purposes. We won’t sell or transfer your sensitive information to anyone else unless we have your permission or as mentioned in this clause. We might disclose your information if the law requires us to or to protect our rights or others’ safety.
    3. We may ask for your feedback or testimonials about your tour experience, which might be shared publicly on our website or other materials. Your feedback might also show up in online search results.
    4. Any data we collect will be handled according to our privacy policy (find it at www.hopskipjump.travel/privacy-policy), which might change over time. If there’s a conflict between the privacy policy and these terms, these terms will prevail.
  18. Miscellaneous
    1. Talking to You
      1. We might ask for your contact details like phone number or email to keep you updated on your booking, to ask for more info, or to share important tour updates.
      2. If you have a preferred way for us to contact you, or if there’s a method you don’t like, just let us know, and we’ll stick to what you prefer.
    2. Changes
      1. We may need to change these terms now and then due to changes in laws or our business. If we do, we’ll try to email you, but the new terms will apply immediately once we post them online.
      2. We aim to keep all info up-to-date to simplify things. If you spot any errors on our website or other materials, let us know, and we’ll fix them ASAP.
      3. We suggest only following advice from our authorized reps.
      4. We can update our website content anytime.
    3. Severability
      1. If any part of the Tour Contract isn’t valid or can’t be enforced, it won’t affect the rest of the contract.
    4. Termination
      1. We can end the Tour Contract if you miss a payment, break any terms, or face serious financial problems like bankruptcy.
    5. Waiver
      1. We will notify you in writing if we decide to waive any part of the Tour Contract. Not enforcing a part of the contract doesn’t mean we waive our rights.
    6. Assignment
      1. You can’t transfer your rights or responsibilities under the Tour Contract to someone else without our written okay.
    7. Survival
      1. Some parts of these terms and the Tour Contract will continue even after the contract ends or expires, like sections on following laws, resolving disputes, liability limits, and protecting each other from claims.

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